Joan has been a faithful volunteer for Helping Hands since 2015. She and her husband Walt have been parishioners of St. Monica for 51 years! They faithfully sign up as a team to help together for our funeral luncheons provided by Helping Hands. Joan is very hands-on helping with making grocery runs for these receptions, preparing dishes at home, and coming in to prepare other side dishes the day of the luncheons. Walt helps with the table setup. They assist from start to finish, making sure that everything is put away, washed and or cleaned for these luncheons. This ministry could not survive without the support of exemplary volunteers, such as the Miniguttis, who want to serve to help family members after a funeral, by offering food and comfort with a reception in our Family Center, alleviating them of worry and work during their time of need. In addition to volunteering in Helping Hands, Joan is a member of the Serra Club of Metropolitan Dallas, is an adorer for the Eucharistic Adoration Ministry, and volunteers with office work in our St. Monica Church office!
Nominated by Maria Juarez-Plank & Helping Hands