Your financial donations are important to the support of the church as a whole, including parish staff, building maintenance, new technologies, ministry support, faith formation, musical programs, and so much more.
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We are each blessed with unique and special God-given talents. It is our hope that you will consider how to best share those special talents within one of our many ministries or organizations. We challenge you to search within your heart and means to determine how you can contribute and make a difference!
Find your niche and become an active member of our parish – serving the ministry where your personal talents can best be put to use. We have dozens of ministries to choose from. Learn more about them by visiting the Ministries section.
Every week, St. Monica is buzzing with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to parishioners,
and groups that reach out to the community.
Donate now to help us continue our support of the faithful.