Baptism bestows the gift of sanctifying grace which washes away original sin and makes the new Christian a child of God. Baptism, being born again of water and the Spirit establishes ties to the spiritual family as the person becomes a child of God by adoption. It connects them to the human family of the Catholic Church.
The Sacrament of Baptism is often called “the door of the Church.”
It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation (baptism, confirmation, communion). The reception of these other sacraments depends on baptism. The rite (or ceremony) of baptism traditionally was held outside the church doors of the main part of the church as a reminder that it is the “gateway” to Christian life.
Infant Baptisms are for children under the age of 7 years old.
Parents interested in having a baptism at St. Monica are required to first meet with the baptismal coordinator before proceeding to the next steps in the process. To schedule an appointment please click below.
Schedule An Appointment
Baptismal Ceremony dates are not confirmed until all required classes and copies of required sacraments and or letters are submitted to the baptismal coordinator.